Yeni Ufuklar, Güçlü Bağlar: Türk-Amerikan İlişkilerinde Stratejik Ortaklık Dönemi

As TAİK, we organized a panel titled "New Horizons, Stronger Bonds: A Strategic Partnership Era in Turkish-American Relations" following the U.S. elections on November 5. The panel focused on the future of Turkey-U.S. relations, the challenges and opportunities that may arise during the upcoming four-year Trump administration, and TAİK’s leading role in strengthening economic cooperation during this period.

Our event, where we evaluated expectations for this New Era in Turkish-American Relations, commenced with opening remarks by H.E. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Zeki Levent Gümrükçü, and our Chairman, Murat Özyeğin.

The panel, moderated by Helin Sarı Ertem, featured insights from Tarık Oğuzlu and Ahmet Kasım Han, who analyzed the latest developments and shared their forecasts regarding the new phase of Turkish-American relations.

H.E. Deputy Minister Gümrükçü briefed our members on the current developments in Turkey-U.S. relations and shared his expectations for the upcoming period with the TAİK family.

At the end of the program, our Chairman, Murat Özyeğin, presented H.E. Deputy Minister with a visual commemorating TAİK’s founding signature at the White House, featuring Turgut Özal and Ronald Reagan.

We extend our sincere gratitude to H.E. Deputy Minister, our esteemed academics, and all our members who participated in the program.